Case Study: A Fresh Take with Millie’s Homemade Ice Cream

At Pineapple Payments, we believe in making life as sweet as possible.  That’s why we love partnering with companies that share our love of the sweeter things in life.  We sat down with Millie’s Homemade Ice Cream, located in Pittsburgh’s east-side neighborhood of Shadyside, to get the juicy scoop on why they love Pineapple Payments and how sweet life can be when you use our fresh take on payments processing.

Check out our interview with Millie’s Retail Operations Manager Melissa Horst to learn more about the sweet life of making ice cream, their new location in Pittsburgh’s Market Square, and why our fast, flexible and fresh approach to payments has led to a fantastic partnership marked by “consistency from the beginning,” “really great communication,” and always easy to use web platform!