Empowering Women In Payments, Pineapple Joins Wnet

For nearly fifteen years, Wnet (Women’s Network in Electronic Transactions) has remained committed to creating a stronger and more diverse industry by empowering women. Representing all areas of payments and fintech, Wnet’s goal is simple – help women achieve greater personal success, influence, and professional parity. In a rapidly evolving industry, that’s the type of positive change Pineapple wants to help propel.

Pleased to join the Wnet network as a Friend of Wnet corporate sponsor, the women and men at Pineapple Payments understand that advocacy and involvement is the only way to truly incorporate change, influence gender diversity, and invest in a stronger future.

With exclusive access to Wnet’s thought leadership, mentoring opportunities, networking, and special programming, Pineapple looks forward to new opportunities to lead and learn from others.